Course image Technics of radiographic equipment’s
3rd Semester

  • The subject is studied in the second stage in radiology department which is so important because this course prepared all students about techniques of medical instrument and how it works because this course gave all principles and mechanism of each medical equipment which used to taken image for internal body, also the student of radiology department even works to taken X-ray image they also can work in MRI and CAT..etc and must have a good idea and understanding of the fundamental concepts about each radiography device which are used for these case.    

Course image Radiographic technique & Procedures
3rd Semester

Radiographic technique & Procedures

Radiographic techniques, such as X-ray radiography, are medical imaging methods used to visualize the inside of the human body. The procedure typically involves the following steps:

1. Preparation: The patient is prepared for the procedure, which may include changing into a hospital gown and removing any jewelry or metal objects that could interfere with the images.

2. Positioning: The patient is positioned appropriately by a radiologic technologist to ensure the area of interest is in the correct alignment for imaging.

3. X-ray Machine: An X-ray machine is used to emit a controlled amount of X-ray radiation. The X-rays pass through the body, and some of them are absorbed by the internal structures, creating a shadow-like image on a detector.

4. Image Capture: The X-ray detector captures the X-ray images, which are then digitally processed and stored for analysis.

5. Interpretation: A radiologist, a medical doctor specialized in medical imaging, reviews the images to diagnose any medical conditions or abnormalities.

6. Report: The radiologist generates a report detailing their findings, which is shared with the patient's referring physician for further action or treatment.

Radiographic techniques are valuable for diagnosing various conditions, including fractures, lung diseases, dental problems, and more, by providing detailed images of the body's internal structures.